Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Hello out there!

My name is Eric Chham and I am a Sophomore at the University of Washington. I've been studying a lot of things, Math, Sciences, English, German and Music. But I've never learned much about something I've done almost every single day of my life since I turned ten years old. I've never taken the time to think about games. Video games, board games, card games, and arcade games. Most notably, pinball. The first game I ever played was virtual pinball on my aunt's computer back in the late 1990's. It came default on her windows brand new top-of-the-line Personal Computer. Every other game came on a floppy disk.

And so now, here I am twenty years later. Discovering virtual pinball again, I found a nifty free software called "Future Pinball" created by Christopher Leathley. It is a full 3D pinball simulator with physics! Unlike other free software, it seems as though Future Pinball doesn't have a lot of documentation. Instead of just waiting for someone else to document their discoveries of this program I decided to figure it out for myself. I will post what I find here so that anyone wishing to learn of this awesome program's many features can find some ideas! Like I'm trying to do for myself!

Thanks for reading!


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